Everything Else > Suggestions

Members Only vs Open forum

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1) there is very little activity on it
2) when I scroll to the bottom there might be 1 or 2 members and a dozen guests on line.
1)Right, we are very small organization.
2)Correct. Before/During the season thesehere message board receives the most hits (when I logged on this morning, 2 members and 16 guest)

...so the same handful of names seem to be the only active people on the forums.
Easy observation for a small club. You have your regular users on every message board.

Now I don't know anything about the financials of the PPHA, but it seems like we would get more members by making visitors join to view the forum.
That's a hard call. If it's free info the lurkers are looking for...there are other message board to find info. They may check several out.
This site has a 'Members Only' page to post. I sometimes post info I want to share with our members and not the general public. (Personally, I think 'members only' page is under used)
Carl, I do see 'guess' visiting as you do. I often thought some could be ex-members checking to see what's happening and gain some insight or just to see if Goose, Jaspr, LL, L4F, BigBen, Buckwheat and others are still around and up to.
I must admit, Carl, I am a lurker on 2 sites. Just read, don't post. 

on a side note and sorry for off topic....
Over the years, I have posted info only to find the same info posted on another site or published in magazine articles (but no credit given to me). Some info was given to first timers and a year or less later I saw where they were posting same info and sounding like an ole hand...lol. So I am careful what I post or place in 'members only' to share not steal.
If someone with half a brain read some message boards, he could certainly place info in order and write an article or book without going into the field or carrying a gun.

My thoughts are why pay for something when you can get it for free? I feel like that is the mentality of the guest users on the forum.
Naw, I can't see paying for a message board. I think the PPHA established this message board for members and guess to share info and promote predator hunting.
Once again, there is a slightly used page for 'members only'.

I think I'm catching what your throwing. Keep the top secret cutting edge stuff in the members only section.  If that's what your saying I completely agree. I am by no means an expert, but I'd rather share Intel with members and take advise from members rather then some Tom dick or Harry from the general public. I know what you mean, some people talk a good game just from what they read online.
I agree I think the members only section is under used. It should be the most used in my view.


     I agree with what your are saying.....why join if I can read everything fro free.  Unfortunately its a balancing act to keep the forums open so people can be interested enough to join.  A great advantage is the members only hunts.  You have to be a member to participate in a PPHA sponsored hunt...and we give some great prizes out!!

I agree completely with that. I really enjoy the opportunity to participate in the hunts. I'm really getting excited for them this year!

Hern said: "I often thought some could be ex-members checking to see what's happening and gain some insight or just to see if Goose, Jaspr, LL, L4F, BigBen, Buckwheat and others are still around and up to."

Agree completely, although I live out here in AZ I believe I was one of the early members and enjoyed reading some of the comments here.  Although I hardly ever post anymore I do check in a couple of times a week.  You never know what Goose is up to and what new product Ernie has for sale, enjoy Ben's fishing stories and Hern's trapping advice. 


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