Predator Hunting > Varmint Hunting

Is it possible to call ground hogs ???

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Buckwheat, I have no clue.
But I do hear certain things while I'm sitting inside my house with the TV blasting and windows and doors closed.  ;D

What are you doing up so late!! This retired stuff must keep you up at night.
Now that you are retired and living in an old trailer up on wheels with the windows broken and plastic on them. I can see how you would hear things outside like skunks rooting in all those beer cans under your trailer. But the old ground hog  is not going to hear any thing. His house is in in pretty good shape and very well insulated for noise, almost like solid dirt.
Now stop staying up so late. :-)

I had a nap.
And a late call..."There's a Coon in your trap already, can you come get it tonight so it doesn't keep us awake all night."
Retired? Not sitting on the rocker yet.

I did upgrade our house, Nephew and I put a new roof on the trailer, two 24' blue tarps held down with some ole tires and cinder block that were laying around the briar patch she calls her garden.

I did not know about your new blue roof. There were two guys here with donut dust on there face asking were you live. I told them it was the trailer in the back painted yellow and green trimmed windows and had the hole in the roof. Sorry, I guess they never found you. I guess it did not matter, they did not sean like friendly folk anyway. P'S  I will be over to get that coon out in a few days.


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