Author Topic: Locating  (Read 8332 times)

Offline coyotejohn

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Re: Locating
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2015, 09:24:29 PM »
QUATTRO, let me give you a little insight into my background, twenty-two years military service, most of that time in the SF community, the last portion of my career were spent in three top-tier Spec Ops units, one Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts plus many other "minor" awards, citation and medals.  Went from Pvt E-1 to Chief Warrant Officer 4, the highest rank a Warrant could obtain at that time.  Battlefield appointment from Sergeant First Class to Warrant Officer-1 during the Vietnam conflict.  Right now I'm fighting the results of Agent Orange and shrapnel resting against my spine which severely limits my mobility without crutches, cane,  walker or wheelchair.  After you digest that tell me that you think I would disrespect a veteran.  You said you are Italian, UB said he is Slovak, I questioned the validity of that and asked a few questions of both, one was if we went to war with either of these countries who would you side with.  A very valid question if in fact you are who you said you are, if you think that was disrespectful to UB then he needs to step up to the plate and address it. 

One thing I learned while serving in the SF:  We mean what we say and we say what we mean.  Do you also live by that code?

Goose I'll lift a Makers Mark to ya tonight and I haven't had one in many years -  Doctors orders, but I'm looking for a new doc.  However now approaching seventy-five I can bend the rules a little. 

UB, I still see red when I hear the words Yote or Yotes.  But now I just shrug it off as being to lazy to spell the entire word, or a lack of spelling skills. 
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm’.’”

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Re: Locating
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2015, 09:48:32 PM »
 ;) ;) Granddad back at you CJ
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Re: Locating
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2015, 10:01:07 PM »
I really think this disagreement has nothing to do with ethnic talk.  I do still think that there is still a bitter taste in people mouths because of what transpired when I had the web site...I took that web site down because I was asked to choose between one clique vs another clique that developed on the site... So much so that I was told that if I didn't allow someone to have their say people were going to stop posting... So I chose not to side with either clique and shut the site down.. Actually people who really have met me have to say that I'm a real easy going person and they know I wouldn't stab them in the back..So where you strong with things you learned from SF I learned from my father. He always told me not to be like other people...

As far as vets...I do respect all of what you have given for your country John...As many know I am actually  a veteran of the U. S. Coast Guard...Now your making me say things that I shouldn't say John... Not everyone can be a Coast Guardsman... I actually volunteered to go to Vietnam in  1971 on the U. S. Coast guard Cutter Mellon.. Some other Coast Guardsman from district office got to go that had my same rate and rank... I was a  2nd class Petty Officer.. E5.  I have no guilt about being in the CG because of this.. I did want to go but they the CG wanted someone else to go.  I served on a Coast Guard Air Station at Barbers Point Hawaii for 2 years and then I was on a Coast Guard Cutter in the Gulf of Mexico.. I met my wife there.. She is Irish Native American but she is also a a veteran of the U. S. Navy.. So there you have it both of us are Vets!!!!

Would I invade my home country.. Now remember this both all my grandparents.. my mom and dad are of Slovak ethnic background.. You bet I would invade if I had too..My parents were first generation Americans and I am 2nd generation American..My uncles and cousin of Slovak Ethnic background fought in World war  2.  However I am Slovak but could care less about some politican that was Slovak that was running for office.. Actually I would like to see Dr Ben Carson as President before any of the other Republicans...
The only medals that I received was the National Defense Medal but so did my wife.. that's the only one she received too. As we all know all vets that were in the military during Vietnam received that metal.. I did lose the tip of my finger while out in the Gulf of Mexico..However it did not qualify for even  10 % disability.. However I did get the satisfaction of being one of the few Coast Guardsman that gave the Coast Guard my finger and got away with it...
Summary..IMO... This had nothing to do with ethnic and being an American first... There is just some sour grapes from things that have gone by... That was the best thing that ever happened to me shutting that web site down... I get to hunt more now!!!!
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 10:11:19 PM by uncle buck »


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Re: Locating
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2015, 10:59:49 PM »
Where to begin. First off, thanks to both UB and CJ for your service whatever capacity it was. It is appreciated. Now, moving on to what you have said CoyoteJohn. Having fully digested what you put out there I stick to my guns when I said I felt you slighted a fellow vet. Whether you served as well or not you still asked the questions you did and in my mind that was uncalled for and disrespectful..if you think I'm going to waiver on my words, I will not. You do not need to be in the Special Forces to say what you mean and mean what you say either. And I mean that... If you feel you do, you are not only mistaken but delusional. I am not going to beat a dead horse. You felt the need for whatever reason to make an issue out of something that was a non issue and spin it with a bunch of rhetoric to sound as if was a noble cause. It was a valiant effort but you failed.  If anything, it was counter productive. It was an assumption, and a correct one at that, on both my part and Uncle Bucks, that when we were mentioning "being" Italian or Slovak it was in the context of heritage not where we wanted to "claim", as you so put it, as the country we declare ourselves from. You chose to make it something it was not. And for someone who wants to call into question everybody else's motives and core values it is easy to question yours as well...In your deleted post you said you felt that both UB and I were proud Americans..if that was the case the whole time then why even bother bringing all this into question? And just a side note..I say yote and yotee, how ironic, another pet peeve of yours..well, if you say what you mean and mean what you say ... I must be lazy or unable to spell..when you find proof of either let me know...and just to point out, in your above post when you said "to lazy to spell the entire word" should be "too"...just saying.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:32:57 PM by QUATTRO »
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Re: Locating
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2015, 08:07:05 PM »
I'm not sure I've ever seen a post go so far off topic. It started out with a lot of good info.
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Re: Locating
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2015, 10:56:53 PM »
Yes. Way off track. Time to move on with the BS and get it back on track. Thanks Uncle Buck for attempting to do so. On that note:

I went out Thursday to a nice large property I have. I decided to head up a little early and do some siren locating. I went to a few separate locations just as 5-6 pm rolled around and played Cals Federal Siren out of my Shockwave and waited for a response... nothing...this spot has coyotes too.. that is a term that is sometimes used loosely but for this property it is true..there are dogs here...we took a nice male out of here just a few weeks ago and have had many encounters of various forms in the past. But this property is also pretty large. Its basically 3 parcels of land that total well over 1000 acres. Not to mention it is surrounded by other large parcels. After locating I circled back and made two 45-50 minute stands before the night got cut short due to a minor emergency back home. Although there was no responses to my sirens, I am going to continue to do it...I will next try to locate in the early morning and set up later on in the afternoon.. here is a picture of just one of the our stand locations...I missed a coyote here last winter off to the left of the was hugging the woodline and moving at a nice clip. In hindsight it was a farther shot than I should have taken but we were not calling at the time but checking a deer carcass that the owner had told us was a coyote kill. 
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Re: Locating
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2015, 11:59:33 PM »
Every farmers and nursery that allows you to hunt on.. Make sure you tell them to give you a call if they  hear coyotes howling or if they see one... It's up to you then if you want to get out there that next night and try to call them in.. I have had farmers tell me when they see the coyotes feeding on the garbage piles and have gone back.. they would tell me what time they saw them etc.. In the one case it was at 6;00 PM. So I returned the next day at 6:00 PM and I did call in that coyote... Set up a communication link between the farmer and you..Thats just what happened the other day.. .I said it on another post... The care taker saw the coyote in the morning.. That evening after dark my brother and I returned and I did call in that coyote...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 12:00:28 AM by uncle buck »


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Re: Locating
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2015, 01:36:06 AM »
yup, intel from the property owners is a big help..I get that on a fair amount of the properties I have..and I always ask when I get a chance. Last winter, on a visit up to call, the owner told us that there were two deer killed by coyotes in the same field that's in the picture above. He had told us the coyotes were able to chase the deer over the thin layer of snow on top where as the deer couldn't get proper traction due to a layer of ice underneath and would eventually fall and that is when the coyotes would overtake them. He told us when they went to plow the access road the coyotes were returning to pick at the carcasses. So me and my partner snuck in as best we could to spy the carcasses and see if we couldn't catch one picking at the scraps or en route to them. Well, turns out, we pretty much caught one running the far treeline probably 350+ yds. out ..but he must have been on to us and wasn't stopping..I had brought my 22-250 along for the walk but had left the tri pod shooting sticks in my truck..I was left trying to free hand a shot..didn't happen. Needless to say, we walked out to check the carcass anyhow and we were actually able to re-trace the entire events in the snow..two coyotes came out of the wooded ridge on the left of the picture and ran the deer that was in the could see several instances where the the deer had fallen and crashed through the snow and ice and got up again..if I recall, it had fallen three or four times before the coyotes were finally able to overtake it..the tracks and crushed snow painted a perfect picture of what was pretty easy to see exactly how the events unfolded..this was the first time I saw for myself a deer that was actually taken by coyotes..I have found deer carcasses before which coyotes had partially or almost completely eaten but could not conclude if they actually took the deer down or merely picked at the remains of a deer that met its death from another cause. Point is, like you said UB..the owners can provide critical information you can use as a tool. The info we got was spot on. Unfortunately, as usually is the case, ole wily gave us the slip.
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