Ben Smyser has been asking me questions about when the PPHA Club started. I was holding off telling him when and were until I had all the information possible. Bob and I each have more information in or old computers stored away and are unwilling to try and start up again. So this is as good as it my ever get.
Well there was a meeting at the Norristown library in the early part of the year in 2002
This meeting was the first get together face to face for the club and we talk if there was possibly enough interest to start a club. There was Scott Latshaw, Bob Bopeck, Tim Tipton, Ernest Wilson, and at lest one other fellow was there, neither Bob nor I can remember his name. Maybe he will read this and we can confirm who he was. This meeting went ok and it was decided there was enough interest to have another meeting. At this next meeting people offered to hold positions and keep minutes. Later I became the first chairman of the political committee and we started changing laws for the betterment of our sport. The first one was no florescent orange. PPHA members and there officers worked hard for the first change especially since it was a new path by any of us. I hope this information helps, if not sorry there will be no more unless someday Bob or I open are old computers, but don’t hold your breath.
First official meeting minutes
On the afternoon of 7/14/02, the first formal meeting of the Pennsylvania Predator Hunters Association took place. A good turnout of die-hard predator hunters was recorded. Orders of business were as follows:
Election of officers to a two-year term;
President/Treasurer- Bob Popek
Vice President- Scott Latshaw
Secretary/Club Spokesman- Tim Tipton
An events planning committee was established with the following members being chosen to be involved; Scott Latshaw (Chairman), Ernie Wilson, Jim Monko and Bruce Althouse.
The following items were assigned to the committee for action;
1. A membership drive and cookout for August (possibly one for the eastern part of the state as well as one for the western part of the state)
2. The possibility of swap hunts between districts.
3. Presentations for Sportsmen’s clubs youth day events throughout the state.
4. The possibility of raffles with possible prizes such as guns, calls and predator hunting trips.
Other matters discussed were:
The setting of membership dues. The membership term is to run September to September, with yearly dues as follows:
Adult membership with a year’s subscription of Predator Extreme Magazine ($14.95 value) -$25.00;
Adult membership without magazine-$20.00,
Youth membership, Ages 12-17 (With adult membership, No voting Privileges)-$10.00
The setting up of nonprofit status for the club.
Liability insurance for the club.
Web page set up and maintenance, costs involved as well as other options.
The set up of a permanent mailing address.
The start up of a checking account for the club.
Interaction and responsibilities between officers and membership.
The need to publicize the club and encourage membership growth.
The need to introduce ourselves to other sportsmen’s clubs and develop strong political representation for our group to the state.