Author Topic: Trapping newbie here.... few questions  (Read 1973 times)

Offline j76clev2

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Trapping newbie here.... few questions
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:38:18 AM »
Hi all,

I got my first set of 6  T3 dogproofs out yesterday evening.  Trapping mainly a creek/swamp bottom a few den trees around lots of scat/sign.  Using dry dog food in the trap some caverns moonshine on the lip and then a little dribble of salmon oil around the outside covered with a styrafoam cup.  My question is how long in general should i leave these traps in the area before pulling and moving to another place if i don't get a catch?  Is there anything i can do to improve these sets? Also i set the majority of them close to the creek bank on paths toward the den trees.  Any advice or tips would help.  I have six bridger 1.5s i haven't put out yet as well thinking of trying some flat sets with these for fox.  Any bait or lure recommendations for fox?   Again total newbie here so go easy.



Offline Hern

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Re: Trapping newbie here.... few questions
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 03:55:58 PM »
1)if you don't have a Coon catch in 2-3 days, you are not on location. Or it's very cold and they are holed up.
2)Yes. Your bait should work fine. To improve your set, you will have to be on location. Bottom of den trees and Coon trails are good setups. Find where/what they are feeding on, corn? acorns? beechnuts? Feeding areas and trails to and from den to feeding is about all they have on their mind right now.
In my area, many Coon are hitting the last of the corn and heavy on the acorns. Alot of Coon moved off the creeks to feed in the woods and fields and may be denning on the ridge now and not the creek.
Also gang setting for Coon is the norm. By that, set 2-4 traps at key locations. Coon do tend to travel together or in loose groups. By gang setting you can knock off the cream and move to another key location and so on.
Other improvements to work on- learn the animal you are after, what it eats, where it walks and so on. Get out there and scout, find them worn down Coon trails, then set 'em up.
3)Since you are new to trapping Canines, I would suggest using urine, gland lure and Beaver Castor for your flat sets. These three scents a newbie can't over lure. A shot of urine or a shot of urine and some gland lure or just Beaver Castor. Gland lure- Red Fox, Coyote, Bobcat, Weasel or Mink gland will do the trick.
If you use bait or lure other than gland, most newbie's over lure or over bait causing rolling on sets and other problems.
My best to you...
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 04:31:20 PM by Hern »

Offline j76clev2

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Re: Trapping newbie here.... few questions
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2015, 09:26:37 AM »
Thanks a lot Hern!  Much appreciated.