Author Topic: Primos Alpha Dogg  (Read 8784 times)

Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2015, 03:10:38 PM »
That is great that you do kill coyotes. I just never talk to any PPHA members that do kill more then one or two coyotes in  there hunting lifetime. That is why i think that.

For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

2008 PPHA State Predator Calling Champion
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Offline coyotejohn

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2015, 04:46:09 PM »
How many stands and how many days do you think it takes Randy Anderson to make a video?  No doubt he knows what he is doing but consider this.  If you had unlimited time, unlimited resources, private lands that encompass hundreds if not thousand of acres, the backing of a major sports business who pays for your lodging and meals, plus travel expensive - you too could be called an expert.
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm’.’”

uncle buck

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2015, 06:52:49 PM »
Coyotejohn... I agree with you that he has benefits to know people who will allow him to hunt good lands.. Like you said even his companies would get lands filled with predators...We just think that Randy has the big picture....I ask him how he makes all those running shots at coyotes... He told a group of us that ...If the coyote is from point blank to  100 yards to aim for the tip of his nose...However like anything else you best be following through to with your swing as you fire.. He then said past  100 yards you need to aim out farther out from the nose when you shoot...  I think we have had discussions in the past about coyote vocalizations.. We here do believe that there is a challenge call,  Invitational howl, Interrogation howl... We do build that into our calling scenario when calling the Eastern coyotes... That's what he does on his Expert Hunts that are on the Alpha Dogg .  I recently read an article that he wrote about coyotoes in the winter time...He said that if there are coyotes there and you do a food sound... They will check it out...They need energy.. So many people set up all wrong and they get busted and don't even know they called in a coyote...The other night I was using the Alpha Dogg by myself...I used the Expert Hunt on it that was entitled Coyote with Cottontail...At about the 10 min mark of letting it go thorough the sequence.. I called in the coyote... So basic of calling yet but the food sound worked... Now here I'm on a farm that is big..One person with the Alpha Dogg just 40 yards to my side.. the wind blowing cross wind from me to the farmers barn...and shed... My plan was to have the farmers barn act like a scent break.. So what does the coyote do he comes to the speaker but instead of coming in from 364 degrees on the farm he approaches me between the farmers barn and shed. There I am looking at him or her and I can't shoot...that's how smart this one was... he used the protection of the barn and shed to come to my caller.. LOL  Of course I could shoot him... He departed and he went into a tree line behind the barn and all I heard then was YIP YIP YIP YIP  YIP!!! it was quite exciting... However he done busted me big time....I could see it over in the tree line in my mind ....haring it yip at me but having this biggest smile on it's face.. So here in the East this is what some of us run into that live in populated areas... I have a few tricks up my sleeve now when I go back to this farm...Randy couldn't tell me what to do here unless he experienced it first hand... He'd probably tell me what to do.. However his sounds do call them in...Do you still have the Power Dogg yet?  I have called in quite a few coyotes with that already...I think you were going to allow your son to use it.. All these years and I still have mine...Only problem there is that you have the make the Power Dogg  do the sequence unlike the Alpha Dogg that will do it all from when you just push the button...Sometimes I like to get away myself and call and I use the caller.. Most times I be the caller for the shooters!!!

Offline scott

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2015, 07:01:23 PM »
John.  Very true. If I had the time and resources I could kill more.  But certain guys have better skills than others.  Two  pros that have my respect are randy Anderson for his calling ability and les Johnson for his tournament wins alone. 

I listen and talk to Uncle Buck a lot, if he ever wanted to take the leap into TV and being a pro I am sure he would do well. 

Offline Hern

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2015, 08:28:13 PM »
coyotejohn, good points. But am sure pro's earn what they have or achieved. Earned it the hard way. Not an easy life being a predator man making a living.
Getting a sponsor gotta be tough. Getting enough sponsors to make a decent living is even harder.
Professional Predator men have the desire, good work ethics, and a high skill level. Plus knowledge of animal behavior, the best equipment, good shooting skills and an open mind to keep learning and honing their skills. They are on top of their game.
Don't believe the videos and TV shows how easy it is. They are trying to sell something. A good video or TV show is there to sell products.

Offline coyotejohn

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2015, 09:18:52 PM »
Agreed, and like I said "no doubt he knows what he is doing".  All I'm saying is that anybody that has what he does can also be called an expert.  The videos on calling are a lot like the fishing programs many cast and many days with nothing to show for it.  I don't consider most of these guys that make videos professional predator men, just professional movie makers.  The exception being Les, I have hunted with him and also against him in KS, I will not mention how that turned out. :-[.  G. Blair is another true predator man.  We have two ADC guys out here that I would put in the same category as Blair and Les.  One is being paid by the Mule Deer Foundation and the Antelope Foundation.  Since he started two years ago the mule deer fawn survival rate has increased by 17% and antelope by 6%, these are the guys that are true professional predator men.  Johnson and Blair, when he was younger, also participated in contest hunts, not sure but I don't think Anderson does. 

UB, bought that for my son and I'm not sure if he still has it or not.  He moved up to the Phoenix area and we don't get to see much of him anymore.  Whenever he visits it seems that I am always one rifle or shotgun or pistol short when he leaves. 
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm’.’”

Offline Shovelheadave

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Re: Primos Alpha Dogg
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2015, 09:58:11 AM »
In 30+ years of hunting in my area (MontCo)....I've never seen or heard a coyote.
I hear about one being trapped or shot every couple of years but, I've never seen one myself (around here).
Red fox.....those we have.......coyote.....I'm sure there's a couple around but, I honestly beleive that I'd wasting my time targeting them (here).

I do love hearing about you guys knocking them down upstate though.