Now that's more like it....
All this talk about a Lil Pekker...Now Curtis brings out the 'big gun'...LOL.
Can wait 'til I tell the wife, 'Curtis has a HOWLITZER! She likes my 'Lil Pekker.
Several weeks ago, Curtis sent me a decal to stick on my 'Lil Pekker.
Well, I couldn't find my glasses, so my wife help me.
She grabbed my 'Lil Pekker!! wrapping her warm, leftt hand all around. Couldn't see my 'Lil Pekker in her hand as she pealed the tiny decal.
Finally my 'Lil Pekker appeared in her hand and she placed the decal.
This isn't the first time she handled my 'Lil Pekker. (more later)