PPHA Forums

General Outdoors => Hunting => Topic started by: uncle buck on September 27, 2010, 04:14:15 PM

Title: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 27, 2010, 04:14:15 PM
Feuding.......People should not do this anyway...Person told me that "Placement of Tree Stands" causes hunters to get mad at each other...So much so that they will go to a barbershop and ask for human hair.. They return to the tree stand and spread human hair near the tree stands...This is suppose to make deer not come by that particular tree stand..

One a post to make you think about things..

Also beware of human hair around your favorite tree stand...LOL
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: foxtrot on September 27, 2010, 04:24:15 PM
It didn't work very well for me,In the garden that is.
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: foxpro51 on September 27, 2010, 04:30:47 PM
Bull heck I piss out of the tree stand and get a buck every year. So much for those  scent products LOL
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 27, 2010, 04:33:31 PM
When I was a kid..I knew a guy that would shoot buck with a lighted cigarette in his mouth..
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: swarter2 on September 27, 2010, 05:18:18 PM
Bull heck I piss out of the tree stand and get a buck every year. So much for those  scent products LOL

I do the same thing FP.  I haven't got a deer that way yet.  Maybe because I eat a lot of garlic to. 
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: foxtrot on September 27, 2010, 05:22:27 PM
Swarter, probably should be eating more apples,cut back on the garlic over deer season.
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: swarter2 on September 27, 2010, 05:23:32 PM
I know.  But I can't help myself.  However, I didn't say I dont tag a deer every year.
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: foxpro51 on September 27, 2010, 05:54:23 PM
Here's one. I **** in my bib overalls on one hunting trip and couldn't figure out were the heck the smell was coming from till the end of the day. Yep, I did get a deer that day. Lol
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 27, 2010, 06:01:22 PM
Here's one. I **** in my bib overalls on one hunting trip and couldn't figure out were the heck the smell was coming from till the end of the day. Lol

Foxpro51 should we hunt someday...Were taking your vehicle.  LOL LOL
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: bigben on September 28, 2010, 06:15:52 AM
I hear about the human hair alot and allthough I do not think it would keep a deer from coming close to ya you might not see the big trophy you were hunting for a few days.  once the hair is something that was there for a few days they will take it as not a threat and be done with it. 
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: Buckwheat on September 28, 2010, 09:03:04 AM
LOL, LOL My sides hurt
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 28, 2010, 06:44:37 PM
That's It!!!!I'm shaving my head bald...Those deer are not going to smell me....... ;D ;D

On the other hand at one of the Expo seminars this week-end the hunter did talk about predators smelling your dander from your body..your skin dropping off on your clothes and accumulating on the ground.  He did suggest you use higher rubber boots...Hair, dander,  under the hair is dander..

I remember I had a lab..House dog...He stayed down stairs while we were at work....Of course...my hunting clothes hung down there where the lab hung out all day...Dang if my deer sighting dropped... Could be that the labs dander got into all of my hunting clothes.  Beau the lab has been gone now since 1999.  Wow now I am starting to see deer again in the woods..

I need to add that to my..."Why I Did Not Bag A Coyote Shirt?"  "I had to much dander on my clothes!" 
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: Buckwheat on September 28, 2010, 07:26:29 PM
shaving my head bald
Buck, do not do that!  Just get rid of your dander. Then you can wear a black shirt at night wile hunting and not get embarrassed around your hunting buddy"s. Do not worry about dander for deer, friends and family come fist!  ;D

Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 28, 2010, 07:33:41 PM
I think we need to slap a camo label on some Head & Shoulder Shampoo and sale it to the hunting community....

However....I do believe that we do need to wear rubber boots...Heck we wear them for trapping to keep scent away.  I do have the Archer boots and do use them in the early part of the season..later I go to a Pac type boot..Rubber bottoms and man made or leather uppers..
I do remember my hunting dogs....Wow they would pick up scent so well after a rain... Target animal could be bird or mammal too... That scent dose stick well on wet terrain...Yep....I know a fox or coyote could pick up that a human came pass a trail if the conditions were just right...
Probably the more rubber up to your knee the better you will be...However...Make sure those boots fit.. That Clump Clump Clump of too large of a hunting boot walking in means the predator hunt is over.
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: Buckwheat on September 28, 2010, 07:57:11 PM
I think we need to slap a camo label on some Head & Shoulder Shampoo and sale it to the hunting community....

LOL Probbly sell stuff
I do not think a person can cover his tracks from there nose. I think rubber boots do help some. The best way is to come into your stand were you think they will not walk.
Title: Re: Fact or Fiction.....Hair...Does It Keep Deer Away from deer stands?
Post by: uncle buck on September 28, 2010, 08:28:19 PM
Here we go.  How many times have you seen me post this phrase..  I think..."the call it a tool"...You don't have to go after them (walk in deep)...The tool will call them to you...When there is ice and snow on the ground.. Park your vehicle where it's safe. Hopefully farmer has a lane plowed out for oil man or something so you don't get stuck... Just get 25 yards off the road and call...Maybe your lucky like me and they will all let you shoot in their safety zones too...Wow did that take years of trust....