PPHA Forums

Predator Hunting => Predator Hunting => Topic started by: madcatter on November 13, 2007, 06:32:33 PM

Title: anyone planning a hunt
Post by: madcatter on November 13, 2007, 06:32:33 PM
anyone plan a hunt where anyone is invited.i could really use the help from yins guys.i have been plugging away at this fox hunting with mixed results for a few years now.i guess i need to just get more serious and do some scouting
Title: anyone planning a hunt
Post by: bigben on November 13, 2007, 08:11:22 PM
I am not sure on where you are but I have allways offered to let others come hunt with me.  if you are not that far I will travel but I have never heard of burgetstown.
Title: anyone planning a hunt
Post by: Dale on November 13, 2007, 11:11:29 PM
he's so far west ya gotta go to Cleveland and come back to him...  8)  

if ya wanna travel a bit, I'll be up after the new year and we can hook up in the middle of the state if you wanna... meet up in Centre county make it easy on both of us, unless I can hook up with some property in Somerset county I know of...
Title: anyone planning a hunt
Post by: madcatter on November 15, 2007, 07:18:14 PM
i am west of pittsburgh 25 miles.i don't mind a travel trip.i just would like to learn from some folks that have had more sucess.around here there aren't many coyotes and the red fox are become scarce.this year the gray fox are pretty stupid so i figure that they will get culled out quick.i have to try 2 more spots before i head back out to the same grounds