Everything Else > Suggestions

XXXL Coyote

<< < (19/19)

Thank you Jaspr1 for getting the breakfast together. It was nice meeting everyone, me and the wife enjoyed ourselves. Time did go way to fast.

 ;D I would like to repeat UB's assessment  ;D ;D ;D We had it all from miscreant "Bad Boy" Tim to Buckwheat's Twin stealing that little kids "Binky"...lol...  :o.....We could easily have had a few more, who expressed interest, but just couldn't get there.  :( :(  There were a lot of topics that went around that table in 2hrs...and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  :)  Anyway I think we got a new member in Rob W. big plus if that happens  ;D ;D ..it was great seeing you all........................ 8)

uncle buck:
I know I had 2 that I asked that were no shows....The one wanted to be there bad but he had to do something with his wife and kids... I don't hold that against anyone... the wise man will always place family first before himself...


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