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Well, the 2nd Annual September Coyote Hunt is in the books!  We had a good amount of participation and I think we could all agree the weather wasn't the best, but we had two successful coyote hunters.

Adam Yunk, one of the PPHA's newest members, cleaned house with a pair of coyotes taking 1st and 2nd place, plus the heaviest female side pot. Adam weighed in a 27.6 pound male and a 26.45 pound female.
For his efforts, Adam raked in $650 in cash, a $50 Tony Tebbe sound file gift card, 2 sets of custom hand calls from Ron Jones ACP Rednecks Pride Game Calls, a $100 Eurooptic gift card and 2 Foxpro Kryptek Typhon hats!  Wow, Adam!

Boyd Heaton, was the other successful hunter who brought in a 25.2 pound female to grab 3rd place.  For his efforts, Boyd was rewarded with a set of Ron Jones ACP Rednecks Pride Game Calls custom hand calls and $100 cash, $50 of which he graciously donated back to the PPHA. Thank you very much, Boyd!

I believe everybody had a great time, and even though they didn't score in this hunt a lot of guys came just to check out the weigh in and talk about predator hunting!  Thank you all for your support!

Please make sure to thank the sponsors of this hunt :

Eurooptic: donated a $100 gift card as well as a $25 gift card for each entrant.


Tony Tebbe : donated a $50 sound file gift card


Ron Jones: Donated 3 sets of custom predator hand calls from ACP Rednecks Pride Game Calls


Foxpro Game Calls: 3 Kryptek Typhon ball caps



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