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Increased coyote numbers and fox hunting practices

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--- Quote from: Misterjake23 on April 07, 2016, 08:01:59 PM ---What's the name of that book?   It confirms what we've all been saying.  Reds and coyotes have a difficult time getting along!!  If the coyote population takes hold like I anticipate it will,  I wonder what the likelihood would be to have a season bag limit in red fox???

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Yes. And that was the question I posed here a year places where there are a sustained number of coyotes, should we alter our hunting practices? I guess I could have been more clear in my asking. I meant not just us as hunters ourselves, but also should there be a concern in terms of a bag limit?? Reading what I did the other day brought that thought up again. The name of the book is "Eastern Coyote The Story of Its Success" by Gerry Parker..again credit goes to Hern for the suggestion. Awesome book if you are interested in the biological aspect of things. This all came up in conversation when I mentioned I had found some books from when I was in 5th grade that got me interested in red fox and coyotes.."The World of the Red Fox" by Leonard Lee Rue III published in 1969 and "The World of the Coyote" by Joe Van Wormer published in 1964....bought them at a book fair when I was 10 or 11 along with another book entitled "Trapping The Craft and Science of Catching Fur Bearing Animals" by Harold McCracken and Harry Van Cleve published in 1978..all cool books..Funny that in the coyote book from 1964 there is no mention of the "Eastern" coyote subspecies Canis Latrans Var...Closest mention was Canis Latrans Thamnos for the "Northeastern" Coyote...which its most easterly range was Michigan..

What I have seen is were there are coyotes red fox numbers are down.
But I have killed red fox right out side of were coyotes are.
It seems they continue to live where coyotes are just in lesser numbers and on the edge. I have even called in red fox useing coyote pup distress wile calling coyotes. But the red fox used cover to come in and we're very cautious on coming in close. If I am in the coyote core ares there are no redfox. When you get to a spot you are sure held redfox and the stand location now sucks a coyote might have moved in. Use coyote vocals the next time there and stay in cover day or night. Coyotes hate to come out in the open here in Pa. There are very few uneducated coyotes in Pa. Oct and November you will have young pups to kill. But the adult coyotes are still not dumb. I have found redfox move into residential areas and stay out of their standard primary areas. Coyote prefer areas where people do not bother them at all. If you know a spot where people cannot go or a place people never go that will end up being a coyote core area. That area can be as small as one or two acre plot. When adult coyotes leave their core area they are very cautious. The red fox knows were they are safe to go. They never live in the core area of a coyote.

Quattro, the studies done in Maine still hold true today in Eastern states.

jake and others are experiencing Coyote expansion and seeing less Red Fox. This happened in my area 30 years ago, but really seen the effect 20 years ago when Coyote took a foothold.
It's nothing new. Maybe new to you and your area. But the Coyote continues to expand throughout eastern United States. Coyotes have a foothold in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana, but friends say it's just like Pa. Still expanding in those states.

From my observations in my area, Where Coyotes have a foothold, Reds may be near towns, malls & industrial parks. I have a few examples where I only catch/trap Red Fox and never caught a Coyote. Very few, very rare around here.
On the other hand...
I have experienced trapping a few Coyotes off a property, only to have Reds move in within a month or so.
I have trapped several Coyote/Red Fox doubles. By that, two traps set within 10' from one another. Coyote in one trap, Red Fox in another.
Four years ago I was calling and killed a Coyote/Red Fox triple. Coyote, then Red, then another Red.
I don't know what I'm getting at. Not trying to say Reds-Coyote co-exist, the don't. But sorta like Coyote-Wolf relationship. If there is a edge or crack a Red Fox can set up on fringe of Coyote range, Red will do that.



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