Predator Hunting > Night Hunting

Bobcat time to the call?


Just wondering what the average time is when you guys are seeing cats show up. I've been doing sets the last week in the 45-55 min and I've been in a real slump. I haven't seen eyes in 2 1/2 weeks. I'm thinking in the day maybe I should sit that long for cats but night time I should pick eyes up faster so if I cut back to 20-25 min I could get more sets in. Thanks

uncle buck:
I have  called a few in with the baby cottontail distress... You just let it rip for long periods of time... that is the time to use the electronics.. They lose interest if you leave periods of silence for cats... When I call fox I let it rip for long periods hence that is when I would call in the bobcats.. 


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