Predator Hunting > Predator Biology

what is your opinion on this Hecs Camo????

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uncle buck:
I saw this on one of the Cable hunting channels... Do you think this is BS?  Remember Hern video about the fox know where the fieldmouse was based on magnetic fields... This camo is suppose to take your magnetic field away... Some of the video was near unbelievable...Could it be a fool and his money are soon parted or is it legit?

uncle buck:

I bought it about two years ago for archery hunting.  I never used it predator hunting.  I'm not convinced one way or the other.

To do it again......I probably wouldn't buy it.  Its like everything else that deals with hunting.  You hunt long enough, you can prove what ever it is you are out to prove.  If deer are color blind, then why do we wear camo?  If fox and canines can't see red and green colors, then why don't we hunt in red suits instead of camo ?

     I had deer come in directly down wind of me and never picked me up (and no I wasn't wearing scent blocker)  Does that mean scent blocking clothing is a waste of money?

     I truly can't say yes or no on it.....Sorry I  wasn't much help.

I will have to say there are a lot of bass lures that have caught more fishermen then bass.
Sometime you will have to ask me about the silent dog whistle for turkey. I use ti carry it just to teach me a lesson.

uncle buck:
their message also reveals ... "You still have to wear camo and watch the wind!".. so that kind of protection for them... Think back over the years all the Snake oil Sales products and or services  we have seen...If you challenged them they would say why you didn't have the right camo on or you didn't watch the wind..


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