Author Topic: Sharing your knowledge  (Read 15821 times)

Offline bdawg

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2010, 08:57:55 PM »
bdawg, Some places you drive by, some places you stop and visit.

hern , what are you tryin to say??
district #1

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2010, 09:14:49 PM »
bdawg, Some places you drive by, some places you stop and visit.

Gee Hern!!!!!You Sound Like Hern Hitler!!    Thanks for the laugh...

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2010, 09:24:18 PM »
Here are the top ten topics on this forumn  by replies:
District 6 hunters FREE DRINKS.  195
To PPHA Officers....  133
PPHA State Wide fun Predator hunt.  110
2009 Expo  103
D6 hog hunt password  94
Member page.  90
1st annual District #5 Predator Hunt  89
On the board!

OK how many of these will inform a new predator hunter how to call in a coyote.. What gun to use, what light to use, etc etc etc?

Offline foxpro51

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2010, 09:26:25 PM »
Free drinks will improve conversation and lots of bull stories. LOL

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2010, 09:27:53 PM »

Here are the top ten post on this forum by views:  But none are any of the top 10 by replies

Coyote Rifles?  5445
PPHA State Wide fun Predator hunt.  4200
Gun Mounted Lights  3556
Longhairs HOG BLOG or...THE KING AND I  3416
HB881 Success!!!!  3303
Gun Mounted Lites  2964
Antler Restrictions  2640
On the board!  2625
District 5 Chuck Hunt Anyone???  2593
1st annual District #5 Predator Hunt

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2010, 09:30:54 PM »
I am just saying that the seasoned predator callers need to pass on info also on here too.. use this as a tool just like an expo seminar would be..

Maybe by passing on some info you might think that I will kill your fox in another part of the state with that info..
However some 12 year old kid might get their 1st fox with the info you provided on here... enough said....
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 09:32:15 PM by uncle buck »

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2010, 09:33:30 PM »
Free drinks will improve conversation and lots of bull stories. LOL

LOL LOL thats funny...What if your not a BS.  I would just end up drunk... LOL LOL

Offline predator77

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2010, 10:15:40 AM »
I love to read UB's stories and head scratching questions. Makes me think about hunting from a different view. I hardly go on other forum boards but I have seen members and officers posting more info on other boards than I have ever see over here. The reason I think is these boards got out of control the last year trying to keep drama down and spirits up is unfair for our moderator. Certain people have their own opinions and won't respect anyone elses so they take their experiences else where. I'm back to square one. Last year was the worst year to date for me as far as sightings so I'm just sitting back and learning. Keep the boards alive UB! :)

Offline bigben

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2010, 11:24:28 AM »
I just do not have the time anymore it seems.  I do not even post over on Hpa in the predator section mainly because of hounders holier then thou attitude.  I haven't posted much on the boards in the way of help since a few years ago.  getting attacked from self proclaimed experts that don't want new callers in the game.  I have taken many out hunting though when asked.  It gets old when you give advice and then have to prove yourself to other posters that have nothing to their credit but their word also.  if someone sends me a pm and asks questions I always take time to awenser them as well.  here for the last year it just wasn't worth posting something on here.  other sites didn't deal with the issues we had.  they got rid of the issues.
“If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not”. Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. “Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.”

Offline Hern

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2010, 06:19:52 AM »
hern , what are you tryin to say??
I am saying some folks feel comfortable visiting certain places...web sites, churches, stores, bar rooms and such.
Then again the same folks, for other reasons, don't spent the time at every web sites, church, store or bar room.

In any event, Uncle Buck has something else on his mind. He didn't come clean with his orginal post and talked in riddles and I think he still has a beef. A beef with someone so he wants support on this page.
Uncle Buck, can you say what you want to say? Or name this guy or guys that don't ever offer information on thishere site? Or are we going to continue to beat around the bush?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 06:21:19 AM by Hern »

Offline furbug

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2010, 10:25:42 AM »

 I agree both ways. But Uncle Buck has a point, HPA has a far more active predator board. 1 because it is all outdoor sports. 2 yes PPHA members post there alot.
 Which they have every right. It wouldn't hurt for members to stop in every few days and make a post. Some of the officers and higher ups in this association, have predator hunting number 3 and 4 of other hobbies.
 You don't see predatormasters board going dead in the off season.
 This association could be having groundhog hunts etc. Throw a small prize out there and you will have participants. Its the prize that brings out the competitiveness.
 The prize brings in members which pays for the prize, keep having good hunts you have members who rejoin every year. Those funds pay for hunt prizes, as this association, has little operating overhead.
 Look at the only good hunt this club has held. It got hunters involved. It got more members to sign up then both expos, and the worlds. How many members from the expos are active on this board? No other boards are dying like this board does. Why is it? It happens every year no fishing contests, nothing. Like I said being king for a year does not bring in hunters. So to end it, there simply will be little knowledge
posted on this board because this association does not get bigger. It gains 20 members a year and looses 20. And the officers should take a look why we are loosing good hunters who could post here. Hunting tips from a hunter 300 miles across the state isn't going to hurt that hunter. Especially when, there are little to no competitive contests. I don't think a hunter can learn enough about a fox, or a PA. coyote.

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2010, 11:59:34 AM »
For the small hunts, give the winners a nice call set. Bought from one of the members. Many donate to the PPHA, help them out. A custom knife if member makes them, etc. Just something to get them off the couch. It is not right that a prize should be needed, but todays hunters are different. Thats my knowledge.
Also maybe a pay it foreward like predatormasters has. Many here have bartering items, im certain. People will check and post then. A good hunting story, makes a hunter want to get out there.

uncle buck

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2010, 05:38:32 PM »
I have been told by many people that I am a person that will make them think of things that they are not thinking about.

As far as my web site that is history...It served it purpose..All good things do have to come to an end.  Hopefully the people who did visit there have been become predator hunters or better outdoor persons.  Also hope some friendship that now prevail because of it being there at one time..Continue until all good things come to an end...

As far as some of the other web sites... I decided that why pass on things there about predator calling when not all but quite a few are hostile and quite belligerent.. Why I would never even hunt with people like this why would I want to pass on valuable info to some people who are just not nice people..It's as simple as this:  If people are not nice to you just stay away from them...Thats just good Mental Health..

Since the PPHA is the sole predator hunting association in Pa..."Pennsylvania Predator Hunter Association" then we do owe something to our members who do visit here to learn something. 
Kind of like "Being True To Your School".... This is Pa, the PPHA will fight for you and have in past so you do not lose your privileges so we need to support them.  One way is by posting valuable info so other people join the organization..
Posting info on Texas, New Mexico, web sites sure is not going to help some 12 year old kid in Beaver County, Pa...
So yes as it stands now I am using the PPHA forum to pass on valuable predator calling info to it's members.
I saw what would have happened to predator hunting as we now had not the PPHA members went forward and defended our PRIVLIDGE to hunt predators the correct way,. "You All Almost Had To Wear Orange  To Hunt Predators. Did you know the some of the old time members on here met with the head of PA Game Commission Law Enforcement and in a Diner in Denver, Pa won your right to not have to wear orange...

Right now I am 61 years old...Still in shape and can climb the mountains...I do have time down the road, God willing to become a full fledged Arm Chair Predator Caller instead of doing it now.  Thanks to  situations (blessing in disguise) my site being taken down I have been enjoying the outdoors more and more..

However since the PPHA has given us so much improvements and protected  many a thing we almost lost I feel I owe it to the PPHA to hang around a bit and post here...
Next time your out daytime predator hunting look down at your boots, pants, shirt and think of them as being orange...When you see that they are still camo come back and put a productive post on this site...

Offline Hern

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2010, 05:17:12 AM »
One way to show support is to be active on PPHA message board.
Other ways to show support....
Run for state or district office
Be a committee chairperson at the PPHA Expo
Plan and host a PPHA hunt
Attend a PPHA hunt
Help at the Expo
Attend the Expo (least you can do)
Help do a 'speaker slot' at Expo
Help at PPHA booth at sport show
Talk with lawmakers to change a few predator laws
Give demo at state picnic and/or PPHA hunt

Lots of ways to support this organization...
Let's hear more...

Offline bigben

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Re: Sharing your knowledge
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2010, 10:33:47 AM »
Hmm done all of those but three of em.  You can also add just showing to checkins or events.  Doesnt have to be the expo.
“If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not”. Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. “Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.”