Predator Hunting > Trapping

Anyone getting ready...

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...for fur season?
The crops were planted late this spring in my area, due to rain and wet fields.
But we had ample rain for corn and beans. Possibly a bumper crop. A bumper crop will slow harvest with more trips to the truck or emptying trucks. In turn, crops may be in the fields longer.
I trap mainly crop fields for Canines. I may not set the first day/week because I don't want traps drove over or my locations may still have crops standing.
I visited some locations this week to make adjustments for late standing crops.
I weed wacked a few spots and transplanted some grass tuffs.

Still have a few dozen traps to boil, peat to sift and other last minute things to do.
Anyone else getting ready?

Pa Goosehntr:
 >:( >:( >:( >:( Way to busy with Honey-do's... ??? ??? ??? Can't seem to get caught up, and I still have a load of wood to haul home  :P :P :P :P :P Geez!!

I don't do any trapping, and I hunt year round for coyotes, so I'm always ready!!

Jake, I know this a trapping thread, but...
Do you adjust your setups, calls throughout the year due to denning, crop harvest, human pressure, hot &  humid/cold & snow and so on. Do you take advantage of dispersal routes or weather fronts or dead piles?
I make adjustments during trapping season. But a good location is a good location year round.

I sure do.   Sequences are different, locations are slightly different also.  I'm targeting the young dogs more so than the old, wise adults.


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