General Outdoors > Legislation

Hunting with air rifles?


As of now as I understand things hunting with air rifles in Penna is a no-go. We can in the surrounding states but
Not here yet. Is anyone aware of any legislation ever introduced here to allow that here. I'm not talking about a daisy
880 of yesteryear lol. I'm talking about viable PCP mid-bore ..25cal and up. Would expand some places to put fur up.

Josh Campbell:
I for one would like to see it, especially in areas where I like to not be noticed. Would be great close to towns. Doubt we'll ever see it, I think most people think we'll be hunting with a red rider.

As far as making them leagle. You would have to allow 17 cal. This is by far the most popular of any calibers used to day for hunting. You would have to come up with a minimum foot pounds for each critter you would want to hunt might be a start.


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