Predator Hunting > Guns and Ammo

PA seni auto's


So it looks like PA is going to allow semi auto's next year for predator hunting just wondering what are your feelings on this and maybe what caliber are you leaning to or not. Before you answer think to yourself how many times has more then one predator come in at once or d@mm if I hadn't rushed that first shot I wouldn't need a second follow up shot.

I'm ok with them passing semi autos for predators. I don't currently own one. Could never justify the price tag for a gun I couldn't hunt with. With that said, I'm considering purchasing one chambered in 5.56/.223   I rushed the shot on my bobcat this year. A follow up shot was needed. Luckily,  I was able to work the bolt and get a good second shot to seal the deal. How often does it happen? Not very, but it sometimes does. It's part of the human condition. Lol

Pa Goosehntr:
I bought a Ruger's chambered in 556/223...I've had the trigger group worked and eliminated the gritty trigger pull and it's down to about 3.5 lbs pull..Topped it with a Nikon P-223 scope and this combo works well for me.


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