Author Topic: Using the older predator caller..  (Read 2344 times)

uncle buck

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Using the older predator caller..
« on: February 26, 2016, 09:14:48 PM »
I don't get rid of NUTIN!!!!!  I have the JS Preymaster that takes the modules. I have the wired one and the remote one too... Now if your a riflemen that older JS Preymaster with the wired speaker activated right in front of you going to bring in all kind of critters and with your zerod rifle you will be able to pop them one with the older technology...Start to hunt with the wind in your face too or cross wind... Remember you guys that still hunt with the wind at your back your automatically busting yourself to predators that are coming to your call not even seen yet on the horizon...They will come from the up wind side to your speaker.. Again they will always get in direct line with the loudest part of your speaker... Make them work for  that sound..