I don't have the height I need to make it vertical without a major overhaul to the furshed or I probably would have although everyone I talk to that has a horizontal one wouldn't ever go back. There are positives and negatives to both I suppose....
Anyway, the way I set this up it is 11 feet long which might not work for every coyote but it should be long enough for most of them without rehooking. I bought a 440 / 880 lb cable hoist from Cabelas for 99 bucks and mounted it on this framework.

I made the framework wide enough for 3 -- 2 X 6's that can easily be removed. When not in use I have all the room I had before instalation and made a place in the ceiling to store the boards. See Hern, no place for beer cans....

The opposite end looks like this but I haven't put anything on it to hook critters to yet. Haven't decided what to use at this time...