Author Topic: ***FORUM RULES***  (Read 6723 times)


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« on: October 21, 2009, 01:03:25 PM »
    When this forum board went on line in late 2005 early 2006 the purpose was pretty simple.  It was brought forward that members wanted an area to talk about hunting and the officers wanted a place for announcements that was easily updated for many to see. In one of the last officers meetings the officers as a whole decided to vote on rules to enforce.  They came up with the following.

~ The existing terms of service are to stand.

~Any and all current PPHA business is to be directed through use of meetings or ventrillo.

~If a PPHA related question is asked on the board no matter if it is in the members only area or the open hunting forums then it will be removed and the proper contact information will be provided.

~The place to complain forum will be moved out of sight of all but the mods.  The posts that are contained in that forum will not be deleted.

~The following is what was decided on disciplinary actions if it is warranted.  After three warnings in less then 90 days there will be a vote amongst the officers with deciding on the further course of action.  If there is a majority vote on further action needed then the poster will be banned for 7 days.  If the warnings are severe enough to warrant a stronger action it will be discussed and then dealt with in the proper manner.

~As of now everyones warning count is back to zero.

    You are still allowed to post about your hunting and other outdoor adventures, but if a poster violates the terms of service that all agreed to while registering then again warnings will be issued and if needed further action will be taken.  If you have a question about an upcoming hunt or event then please contact your local district officer or the appropriate contact person.

Thank you

PPHA officers.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 09:55:24 AM by QUATTRO »