Author Topic: Ducking Duck Season & Youth Squirrel Season  (Read 1862 times)

Offline swarter2

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Ducking Duck Season & Youth Squirrel Season
« on: October 09, 2010, 10:23:50 AM »
Went out this morning to hang in a tree.  As I walked in I busted some deer off the ridge above me and thought well there goes the morning hunt. I made into the tree by 0545 and settled in for the light of a new day.  At about 0615 I spotted head lights pulling in next to my truck.  Keep in mind I hunt a co-op.  About 10 minutes later I spot a single head lamp coming down the field I was sitting on.  I tried to signal the person that I was there, but they kept on coming.  I figured they came that far I'd just let them go.  I called a buddy of mine, who is big duck hunter to see if the season openned today.  Low and behold, it is the openning morning of duck and these 2 guys where walking down to the stream to try their luck at ducks.  At about 0650, I spot 2 more people walking along the top of the ridge, it appeared to be a father and a son.  They were walking towards where my truck was parked.  A few minutes later I see them walking back up the ridge.  At this point I'm trying to figure out what the heck seasons are open.  Back on the phone I go calling my wifes uncle.  As he is getting his digest.  I spot a doe cutting across the field from where the 2 were just walking.  She was at approx. 200yds.  With phone to the ear.  I'm now blowing softly on a fawn bleat into the phone and my wifes uncle ear.  He starts laughing and the doe starts a slow trot towards me.  She came 25-50yds closer to me and stops.  She is looking in the direction the duck hunters went.  Up went the white flag and she bolted towards a section of the farm we call the sanctuary.  My wifes uncle finally stops laughing on the phone and asks what happenned.  I told him one of the duck hunters decided to load his gun.  The hunter were about 100yds away from me, so don't worry they weren't on top of me.  At 0730 I decided to get down as the stream was lined with hunters after duck for about 3/4 of a mile.  I went back to the truck and was going to move one of my stands into used .pasture where I saw some deer early in the week.  As Iw as driving the edge of the ridge I run into the father and son hunting squirrel.  As I'm sitting there in the truck talking to them.  I see a Explorer pull up behind me.  WCO!!!  I talked to the one I knew while his trainee checked the father and out.  I was good to go after that.

I guess the moral of the story is this.  Whether your on private property or public.  Check the seasons before you go into the woods for your safety and others.  Remember to wear your orange next weekend because muzzleloader season starts.

Happy hunting and by all means be safe.
David P Swarter
286 Parkview Drive
Souderton, Pa 18964
Cell (215)285-1820
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District 2
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