Author Topic: seasons last hunt  (Read 1257 times)

Offline foxtrot

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seasons last hunt
« on: March 08, 2010, 10:12:37 PM »
I went out this weekend for one last coyote hunt.I had scouted this area a couple weeks before and had seen fox and coyote sign.Got on stand just as it was starting to break day.Started out with some coyote vocals with some whimpers throwed in.Sat in silence for about 15 minutes and did a round of rabbit distress followed by another silent period.I faintly heard a noise behind me and I slowly turned my head to see a surprised Red fox at about 10 yards away.A 12 pound fox doesn't make much sound on snow.I watched as he circled me at at about 80 yards to get down wind and then he was gone.Stayed on stand another 10 minutes and then headed out.As I approached the logging road I came in on I noticed coyote tracks that weren't there before.They were headed in the direction I had been calling.They passed my location close enough for a shot but were in a shallow revene that I probably would have only seen his ears .He took a direct downwind pattern and was gone.Nothing to show for my efforts but an exciting end to the season.

uncle buck

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Re: seasons last hunt
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 07:56:23 PM »
Sound like a nice experience... Also think now what Mr. Coyote taught you?  Circled down wind of you didn't he or she?   Next time remember that about ravines and the down wind side... Also remember this place you hunted next year or into the Spring if you go back.. Sounds like if the wind is just right and someone post near that ravine it has the making of an outstanding coyote or fox ambush site....

I find that I can't hunt crow now...If I was going to go out it would be for coyotes yet.. Um wow todays temps in SCPA...Were up in the 60's...I bet the chucks were out a bit in some of the fields... Now that might be a way to shoot all three on a Friday and Saturday.  Chucks, Crows, and Coyotes with a well scoped rifle... Sad that you can't hunt chucks on Sunday...