Author Topic: Drive By Drop Offs Of Pets  (Read 2293 times)

uncle buck

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Drive By Drop Offs Of Pets
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:33:53 PM »
this was prevalent when I was a kid...People just did not want a dog and they would take it out in the boonies.. Open the door and let it go.
Many a time hunting in the area for small game I would see these dogs pack up... One time in what I will call the Valley Dam Jumper Road Area of NEPA Luzerne county...I counted about 5 dogs in a pack...A German Shepard,  2  beagles (wonder how they ended up in the group?) and of course mutts... All hunting together as a pack.

In this day and age in the populated areas you do not see many strays running around...However with the economy you could?  Now the SPCC wants you to donate quite a few bucks $$$$$ just to take a dog that you find as a stray. Hence maybe during the Obama era  you might see more strays in the wild...

Such is the case now...I had conversations with a few farmers in a area... They claim they are seeing a German Shepard dog that just showed up out of nowhere.  It shy and won't allow anyone to come near it...They a few of the farmers are on a quest to capture the animal and one wants to keep it...they set out bales of hay for it to sleep on and put feeding stations all through the woods for it to eat to entice it in.
Me thinks that this is not a stray dog of course if you know what I am getting at....usually a hungry stray does not shy away from someone that one can't  get the grips on...Sometime some Oscar Mayer cold cuts out stretched from you hand is all it takes.. LOL LOL
Of course they do not want me to shoot it in error thinking it's a coyote so I have to be extra careful when I call.  As you know a domestic dog when called in will bark at you as it comes to the call.

Interesting? Just wanted to share this with you and maybe bring back a few memories of yesteryear where strays were a dime of dozen in the boonies of Pa...   

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Re: Drive By Drop Offs Of Pets
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 02:16:51 PM »
You did bring back memories...
Our family belonged to several Beagle Clubs from the '50's to Y2K.
Talk about 'stray cats'!
Folks would dump off litters of half grown cats on Beagle Clubs.
These clubs were on back roads with their land boardering these roads.
Many times I would shoot 4-5 cats, same size, same color. I could tell they were from the same litter.
One club was infested with 'dumped cats' that quickly became residents.
I was contacted to get rid of the ferral cats.
I recall in a 2 month period...I caught 72 ferral cats in 2 live traps in the bottom of the barn. Plus there were other cats I shot and other members shot during the same time.
This cat problem still exists today for Beagle Clubs, but a much lower scale as yesteryear as UB stated about more folks giving to SPCA, plus spading and nueturing programs.

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Re: Drive By Drop Offs Of Pets
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 04:25:27 PM »

go down to the dog stories.