Author Topic: Just Scouted the Fresh Snow  (Read 1382 times)

Offline smd189

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Just Scouted the Fresh Snow
« on: December 17, 2008, 03:31:49 PM »
I just went out behind my house to look around.  I just moved here in Nov. and haven't even been back in the woods yet.  I'm in a development, but it is surrounded by  patches of woods and fields.  There were tons of tracks in the fresh snow, but they had all melted out and it made it hard to tell what they were.  I did find a gut pile from last week, and it was all tracked up.  The guts were torn up,  but not carried all over the place.  You could see distinct tracks coming in and out of the pile so I know it wasn't just crows. 

I'm guessing since they were not carried off it would be fox hitting the area?  Any other ideas as I am very new to this? 

Offline CoyoteJeff

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Re: Just Scouted the Fresh Snow
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 08:28:48 PM »
My guess would be fox also or since its close to a development if people have cats or dogs that they leave run outside it may also be from them If you can hunt there go out tonight and see what you call in. Then let us know with pics.
PPHA District 3