Author Topic: Will the New Flavor Ice Cream the 250 kill Light make it harder to call predator  (Read 1890 times)

uncle buck

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"Why It's The Next Best Thing Since Ice Cream!"  That's the 250 Kill Light.. Wow people or predator caller old and new all know about the Kill Lights...Just was thinking...As the predator caller both new and seasoned start to get busted while calling using the 250 Kill Light... Will it be like predator hearing the same name brand dying rabbit.. will they not come to the call or take off as soon as the new light system hits them in the field...good thing....year after year old predators die and new ones are born.. So in the early predator season the use of system by multitudes of predator caller will not be bad.. However once the season progresses it could get a bit tougher for predator hunters since the now educated predators remaining have been illuminated and not harvested  when a kill light was used..
I tell you one thing....I'm going to use the Killlights totally now by next season...Both as a shooting light and a scanner..  I mean i will still use the other light system I have for when I don't have the Killlight.  However why drag all of that stuff with you...That's more to carry and it may mean we can stay longer in the field. Also retrieve equipment easier from the vehicles too since you will not need all of the belts, batteries, wires, harness, suspenders, the broom handles and inch dowel rods just plain bulk will not exist..
Down the road as they get wise to the Killlight intensity you could pop on  a red lens to make the light not so intense.  You could go to other color of Killlights too...You could jump down from the 240 to the 100 Kill Light for scanning. See there is always ways to adjust things.  Just wanted to comment on how this Killlight has impact predator calling and how it could make it tougher by seasons end.     I would hope at least this.  If people start scouting for predators before the seasons that they don't keep hitting them with the Killlights in the field prior to the season. Just like someone should not go out and play with their electronics prior to the season maybe the Killights should not come out for nighttime use in the field until the seasons start...