Author Topic: Sora Rail Hunting in Pa?  (Read 2100 times)

uncle buck

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Sora Rail Hunting in Pa?
« on: August 04, 2010, 08:12:17 PM »
I know everyone of you have been on a SNIPE hunt!!!

However as a boy when Mourning Dove Season opened in September so did the Sora Rail and Ganiluies(SP)...
Now being in the 8Th grade...I wanted to hunt some of those rails and Ganiluies.  I do remember a picture on one of the Pa Game News showing a hunter hunting rail in a marsh with cattails all around him while he was wearing hip boots and tothing a shotgun.

Anyone on here ever hunt Sora Rails and or Ganiluies (sp)?  Let see they probably taste like??.......................................Chicken!!!!!!!!