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Everything Else => Off Topic => Topic started by: Lookn4Fur on July 12, 2009, 09:38:18 AM

Title: Light from KC
Post by: Lookn4Fur on July 12, 2009, 09:38:18 AM
KC, I checked out your lights and really like them.  I think you are onto something.  The only issue for me is the price.  I know the Light Force is very expensive and it seems to me that you are comparing your product to the Light Force.  I understand that but also think that Light Force priced themselves out of the market.  You know your product better than anyone, and know what you have to charge to make it work for you.  I also know you would sell a ton of your lights if they were closer to the Night Lite price range.  A lot of guys at the Expo voiced the same concern to me.............Tim  
Title: 09 Expo
Post by: foxpro51 on July 12, 2009, 10:25:42 AM
Kc, looks like an outstanding light. Waiting for red lense and rear adjustment for hat. Price is a little high. Nightlight coon lights are around $100 or so but have wires attached. A pain. Perhaps if you can cut the price a little you will sell more. The quality and demand is there.
Title: 09 Expo
Post by: kc on July 12, 2009, 10:57:54 AM
guys, i want to thank you for your honest opinions on our light and concerns about the price. yes, nightlite does have lites for sale around the $100 price range, but if you are want a light that has about the same brightness from them, your going to pay over $300. as for comparing our product to lightforce, that was done because i thought must people have used them and would help them get a understanding of how bright our little light is.  if i i gave off the opinion that we are comparing our product to lightforce,i`m sorry, we are not. our light is not for everyone and we never expected it to be. we are just trying to put out the best possible product for the price we can.
Title: 09 Expo
Post by: foxpro51 on July 12, 2009, 12:00:12 PM
Including a red lens with the unit may help as a package. The two most use lights are nightlight and lightforce. Night light head lamp for close in work and lightforce for long range work The night light head lamps are ok but i would prefer to have a brighter light on my head. I hate the wire attached to the head light. I hope your unit fills that gap. I was wondering how can your light be brighter than a night light head light when you only use 2 AA batteries and they use a large 12V battery? I am hoping your head lamp is far brighter than the nightlight unit with a red lense. Have you done a side by side comparsion? Please tell me its alot brighter. LOL
Title: 09 Expo
Post by: Lookn4Fur on July 12, 2009, 01:32:26 PM
Earl I could be wrong but I think these lights run off two lithium batteries, not AA.  They did seem brighter than the nite lite products but then again there was no red lens on it.  A true night hunting test would be great to witness with our own eyes.  I personally love this light, yes I said "love".  I think it is the ticket for the eastern hunter.  I never liked those field burners anyway.  I just can't get over the price.  I might pay what they are asking if it was brighter than the Night Lite but I'm not convinced of that yet since the light is not available yet.  I would gladly pay 150 to 175 for this light though.
Title: 09 Expo
Post by: foxpro51 on July 12, 2009, 01:52:12 PM
Lookin4fur, I 100% agree. They must be brighter than the night lite head lamp models. I do like the no wire idea. I will allways use my gun mounted light force light for shooting. I just need something on my head to spot eyes farther.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: swarter2 on July 12, 2009, 04:02:16 PM
It is a great looking little light.  It is brighter then any of my lights which are cheap.  However, as I am still new to predator hunting the price would turn me away.  I know KC has a lot invested into his product, but lowering the price would allow product to move faster.  In addition the word of mouth would help get the product out there. 
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: kc on July 12, 2009, 06:20:54 PM
guys, i get pm`s but this site will not let me return them. so if you have any questions please feel free to call me at 585-216-5113.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: foxpro51 on July 12, 2009, 06:56:17 PM
KC, You must log in first or join the club.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: kc on July 12, 2009, 08:08:07 PM
everytime i post i`m log in. still won`t let me reply to pm`s. foxpro51, if you call i`ll answer all you  ?`s the best i can.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: bigben on July 12, 2009, 10:38:53 PM
I think he needs to hit a certian number of actual posts before he can reply in a pm.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Lifes2fun on July 12, 2009, 11:40:08 PM
KC you might have to log out...clear your cookies and then re-log in..sometimes clearing the cookies helps

Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Jester on July 13, 2009, 12:09:00 PM

Our lamp actually uses a single 18650 Lithium Ion cell and not 2 Lithium AA type cells. Our cell is the same that is used in the battery pack of your typical laptop computer. There is a difference in the two technologies. The energy density (stored energy) is higher in the cell type that we use. Please don't get hung up on comparing one battery technology against the other; as example a 21 volt system versus our 3.7 volt system. The trick is in the electronics and the programming. Also, we entered the market as alternate solution for a light source. We are not interested in comparing our lamp to anyone else, just giving you an different style product with the goal of creating convenience and quality.
Please feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to clarify.

Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Lookn4Fur on July 13, 2009, 03:06:56 PM
Charlie, thanks for the reply.  I'm not comparing lights or technology just repeating what I heard.  I understand your position in the market thanks to your explanation.  As stated before I think your lights have huge potential.  It's your product and you can charge whatever you like.  I'm not debating that.

If you want to just sell a couple lights to fill a gap, thats fine.  I think you could kill the competition however with a slightly lower price tag.  Remember, your technoogy won't be new forever and someone will copy it and undercut you.

I feel I represent the average predator hunter as far as demographics go and I have a good idea what a predator hunter is looking for.

Again you guys made a great light and I applaud you for that.  I wish you all the best.  Can't wait to try one..........Tim
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: foxpro51 on July 13, 2009, 03:26:42 PM
Most predator and coon hunters will still compare your lights with the hat model from Night-Lite Company for $100.00 area. I do like the no cord idea on your model. It will be intersting to see how bright it will be with a red lens. I must say your light is better built than Nite-Light models. Looking forward to the real test. I agree with Lookin4fur if its brighter its worth more money. I believe you wanted $265.00 for your light without a red lens and hat adjustment.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Jester on July 13, 2009, 04:42:02 PM
Thanks Foxpro51,

I have you on the top of my list for a light. Regarding the $100 light, the serious coon market is not using it. The money hunters and the majority of the market are using the $250-$450 product now. No one is comparing us the the $100 product as the battery and the bulb are not in the same technology arena. Anyway, enough of that, give us a try and tell us what you think!

Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: foxpro51 on July 13, 2009, 04:44:46 PM
Just let me know when red lens is made and hat adjustment is finished. Thanks
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Trophiesonly on July 13, 2009, 09:21:29 PM
i seen a light a company came out with uses a type bulb a landscape light uses,it looks good also
lasts forever
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: kc on July 13, 2009, 10:27:55 PM
we did our red lens test tonite and i`m gonna have yetihunter (nick)or andrew come over either tomorrow or wendsday nite to comfirm the results. we tested reflective eyes at 100,200,300 & 478 yrds tonite all showed up on the low beam and really stood out on high. we also came to the conclusion that with the red lens we could light up an yote or fox at or abouts 200 yrds.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: foxpro51 on July 13, 2009, 10:32:39 PM
 Lighting up coyote or fox eyes out to 200 yards should work. Once i see eyes i go to the big light Night Force. Should be real good at close range for shotgunners.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Trophiesonly on July 14, 2009, 05:07:20 AM
close range for a shotgun,a 15 dollar ray-o-vac will perform great.

with a shotgun you want the predator to find you.
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Lookn4Fur on July 14, 2009, 07:50:24 AM
Sounds good KC.  I'm a rifle guy and if I can identify a target at night from 150 to 200 yards thats good enough for me..........Tim
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Jester on July 14, 2009, 08:37:18 AM

Just to confirm, we were able to illuminate a body at 200 with a red filter. As for eyes we were lighting them up at our 478 yard fixed target on low and high beam and they looked like Mars in clear night sky.

Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: TFC2223 on July 16, 2009, 08:11:17 PM
To all of those interested I just got off the phone with Charlie (jester) and he is sending me a light for testing purposes.  Upon receipt I will perform said test and report my findings to those who are interested.  I am not affiliated with his business. He is just being kind enough to help clairify his lights capabilities by conducting some tests relative to how predator hunters will use this light.  Shoot straight!

Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: foxpro51 on July 16, 2009, 09:25:21 PM
Looking forward to the results
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Trophiesonly on July 17, 2009, 02:40:43 PM

Just to confirm, we were able to illuminate a body at 200 with a red filter. As for eyes we were lighting them up at our 478 yard fixed target on low and high beam and they looked like Mars in clear night sky.


what did you use for eyes???
Title: Re: Light from KC
Post by: Jester on July 17, 2009, 03:52:52 PM
we used 1/2 inch diameter reflector buttons, white, yellow, red and green.