General Outdoors > Legislation

Legislation Committee

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I don't know if you guys saw this yet or not but The Game commission Just had the last meeting of the year on the 23rd.

     I guess that make our job pretty easy for this year....LOL

Things are starting to come together with this committee. Jake Clevenger (MisterJake)  and Darin Hosier (Bowman66) have volunteered to chair this committee and Bill Richards (war_nrg) has volunteered his time to help out. Thank you to all three for the volunteering of their time.

Now the onus is on us as good members to help these guys in keeping abreast of what is going on with the PGC and our legislators pertaining to issues that are of concern to the members of the PPHA.

Please do not be afraid to use the Legislative section to post any concerns or any issues so our committee can look into them.

Please remember these guys are the only ones to step forward and volunteer their time and the legislative section should be used to help them in this task and not an area to complain, so let's all give them a hand with this and let them know what's going on that concerns us all.

Thanks guys!!!


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