Author Topic: Ever Run into the unusual while night hunting?  (Read 2185 times)

uncle buck

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Ever Run into the unusual while night hunting?
« on: December 01, 2010, 01:09:17 AM »
I probably told this true story 999 times.. However if your out calling at night time watch for what I describe below... It could make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up into the air?

Back in 1987 our school system here in SCPA were concerned about children getting into witch craft. parents were called in and they gave us a hand out of what to watch out for that might indicate our children were getting involved with this stuff...
A short time later..Might have been one or two days...I was hunting predator at night time along Cumberland County South Mountain. This would be where the farmers field ended and the mountain terrain started... I was moving my calling stand and I get to this small patch of trees.. There on the ground are all of these small logs that people have been sitting on... What made the hair on the back of my neck stand up was this...The people that just were there before I got there.. Poured gas on the side of a big tree and they burned the letter "C" from the outside of the tree trunk into the center of the tree. The C was still smoking. Yep that was one of the things in the hand out given to me at school..Satanic worshiper will burn the Letter C into a tree.. The "C" is suppose to be a mocking of JESUS CHRIST....Hence the reason for the "C"= CHRIST. Had I been there maybe an hour earlier I could have seen them all jumping around that tree celebrating and whooping it up..I never went back to that farm to hunt at night time again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ever find a Letter "C" burned from the outside in on a tree trunk...You might be the next Blair Witch Project!!!!!

Offline scott

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Re: Ever Run into the unusual while night hunting?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 08:17:15 AM »
One night Ralph and I were walking into a farm where there is an old apple orchard, we get to the top of the hill and hear this god aweful scream, we both stop and listen and hear it again.  the land owner holds a haunted house in the apple orchard and some of the props are still out so we figured he was up there trying to yank our chain.  So we continued up to the upper field where we were going to call.   when we were done calling we phoned the land owner to let them know we were done and they could put the dog back outside.  Ralph talked to the wife told her we were done and to tell her husband nice try in trying to scare us.  the wife said what do you mean, so ralph told her the story, she said it wasn't him he is sick and in bed, has been since 7 oclock and they took all the Holloween stuff down.   the look on Ralphs face was priceless.  Come to find out that one of the props was not taken down and had a motion sensor on it, we must have pushed something past it and it started screaming.